Getting ready
Spring is actually here, so it’s time to start thinking about painting outdoors. For me, this means getting out the Jullian half-box and tuning it up: tightening screws, lubricating wing nuts, and applying a light coating of butcher’s wax to protect the surface. If you use a wooden easel, it’s wise not to tighten the wing nuts TOO much. A lengthy stay outdoors on a foggy day can cause the legs to swell (the easel’s, not yours) (but maybe yours too) and then the wing nuts will freeze up. I also like to line the drawer with some freezer paper or cut-up pieces of disposable palette paper, because when the inevitable paint tube leaks, it makes cleanup a lot easier. It’s a good time to sort through the studio and pull out half-used tubes of paint for use outdoors — why carry a full tube when half will do? My philosophy of outdoor painting is: think of all the awful things that have happened or could happen when you’re painting, and prepare for them!
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