This page will be my opportunity to present a selection of work grouped by subject, theme, location, or any other connections that present themselves as I review over forty years of painting.
When I finally moved to Maine in 1996, it was definitely not in order to paint trees. I found them very confusing. But I’ve discovered that when I make up my mind not to paint a certain thing, inevitably I soon find myself painting it anyway. And it is difficult not to come to terms with trees if one is going to paint landscapes in Maine. Luckily there are many excellent examples of great tree painters – Burchfield, Porter, Marin, Dodd, and Thomson, among many others – that can give one many clues about how to get a handle on their visual complexities. Eventually I was happier painting trees than almost anything else.
Private collection
I've painted this spot many times. The light from above is amazing around noon.
What a privilege to stay in the summer home of Fairfield Porter for a week of painting. After studying his tree paintings closely, I was able to see a tree or group of trees as a midtone shape to which one added darks and highlights - a very useful way to break down the complexity. Perhaps he painted this group of trees too.